CEF Advisors AICA Event NAVigator Podcast

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01. 15 Major CEF Sectors Index

Data as of

About the Index

The seven most liquid funds by 90-day average trading dollar $ liquidity in each of the 15 major groupings of funds: Business Development Companies (BDCs), Convertible Bonds, Covered Call Funds, Global Equity, High Yield Bonds, Investment Grade Bonds, Master Limited Partnership (MLP), Municipal Bonds, Preferred Equity, REITs/Real Assets, Senior Loans, US Equity, Hybrid / Balanced Funds, Multi-sector Bonds and International Bonds . For Hybrid / Balanced Funds and Multi-sector Bonds sectors, the selection allows only the most liquid fund from each sponsor. From the selected funds, we exclude the least liquid 5 funds. Each sector has equal weight in the index (6.66%), which is distributed equally to funds within that sector. The index constituents will be rebalanced each quarter.

As of June 30, 2022, we updated the index rules to cover 3 more major sectors. Click here to see the previous index rules, used since 2017 for the index.
The seven most liquid funds by 90-day average trading dollar $ liquidity in each of the 12 major groupings of funds: Business Development Companies (BDCs), Convertible Bonds, Covered Call Funds, Global Equity, High Yield Bonds, Investment Grade Bonds, Master Limited Partnership (MLP), Municipal Bonds, Preferred Equity, REITs/Real Assets, Senior Loans, and US Equity. Combine leverage and non-leverage groupings into one grouping when calculating the seven funds. The funds will be equal weight in the index. If there are less than seven available funds in a specific grouping, then equal weight the grouping with the smaller number of funds available. Each group will be 1/12 of the indexes over-all weighting. The index constituents will be rebalanced each quarter.

Index Performance

Current($) Previous Day(%) 1 Week(%) 1 Month(%) 3 Month(%) 6 Month(%) 1 Year(%) 3 Year(%) 5 Year(%) 10 Year(%) MTD(%) QTD(%) YTD(%)
Price 1,734.49 0.10 -0.62 2.15 7.00 10.38 16.18 2.67 6.79 6.15 0.94 0.94 12.14
NAV 1,647.97 -0.23 -0.97 0.93 4.49 7.04 12.50 2.95 6.28 5.52 0.46 0.46 6.93
Difference -0.33 -0.36 -1.22 -2.51 -3.33 -3.68 0.28 -0.51 -0.63 -0.48 -0.48 -5.21
* Periods greater than 1 Year are annualized.      ** On Inception Date (12/30/16), Index Price was $1,000 and NAV was $1,000.07
2024 - Monthly Performance (%)
Jan Feb Mar Q1 Apr May Jun Q2 1H Jul Aug Sep Q3 Oct Nov Dec Q4 2H 2024
Price 2.69 2.21 3.14 8.25 -2.83 3.51 2.04 2.63 11.10 - - - - - - - - - -
NAV 0.41 1.87 2.26 4.60 -1.98 2.50 1.27 1.75 6.44 - - - - - - - - - -
Difference -2.27 -0.34 -0.88 -3.65 0.86 -1.01 -0.77 -0.88 -4.66 - - - - - - - - - -
2023 - Monthly Performance (%)
Jan Feb Mar Q1 Apr May Jun Q2 1H Jul Aug Sep Q3 Oct Nov Dec Q4 2H 2023
Price 10.20 -2.35 -3.17 4.20 1.04 -1.76 4.95 4.18 8.55 3.72 -2.00 -3.94 -2.36 -3.75 8.58 3.78 8.46 5.90 14.96
NAV 6.07 -2.51 -0.13 3.28 0.95 -1.09 3.49 3.34 6.73 2.45 -1.36 -2.58 -1.55 -2.08 6.81 4.07 8.85 7.16 14.37
Difference -4.12 -0.16 3.04 -0.92 -0.09 0.67 -1.46 -0.84 -1.83 -1.27 0.64 1.35 0.80 1.67 -1.77 0.30 0.39 1.26 -0.59
2022 - Monthly Performance (%)
Jan Feb Mar Q1 Apr May Jun Q2 1H Jul Aug Sep Q3 Oct Nov Dec Q4 2H 2022
Price -2.87 -2.93 1.36 -4.43 -6.54 -1.01 -7.34 -14.28 -18.08 8.65 -1.77 -12.76 -6.90 5.43 6.66 -5.41 6.37 -0.97 -18.88
NAV -2.69 -1.26 0.86 -3.09 -5.00 -0.63 -6.55 -11.78 -14.50 6.09 -1.93 -7.47 -3.73 2.86 4.77 -2.35 5.23 1.31 -13.38
Difference 0.18 1.68 -0.50 1.35 1.54 0.38 0.79 2.50 3.58 -2.56 -0.16 5.30 3.17 -2.57 -1.89 3.06 -1.14 2.28 5.49
2021 - Monthly Performance (%)
Jan Feb Mar Q1 Apr May Jun Q2 1H Jul Aug Sep Q3 Oct Nov Dec Q4 2H 2021
Price 1.46 3.95 3.89 9.56 3.72 2.45 2.50 8.92 19.33 -0.21 1.61 -2.41 -1.04 3.97 -2.42 2.30 3.79 2.70 22.56
NAV 1.14 1.95 1.82 4.98 3.07 1.45 1.87 6.53 11.83 0.43 1.31 -1.46 0.26 2.88 -2.02 2.08 2.89 3.15 15.36
Difference -0.32 -2.00 -2.07 -4.58 -0.65 -1.00 -0.62 -2.39 -7.50 0.63 -0.30 0.95 1.30 -1.10 0.40 -0.21 -0.89 0.45 -7.20
2020 - Monthly Performance (%)
Jan Feb Mar Q1 Apr May Jun Q2 1H Jul Aug Sep Q3 Oct Nov Dec Q4 2H 2020
Price 0.68 -9.54 -23.04 -29.90 13.04 6.26 0.65 20.89 -15.26 3.84 3.38 -2.95 4.18 -0.87 13.74 3.94 17.19 22.09 3.46
NAV 0.34 -4.58 -19.13 -22.57 10.70 4.15 1.68 17.23 -9.23 4.07 2.61 -1.94 4.72 0.16 8.62 3.31 12.39 17.70 6.84
Difference -0.34 4.96 3.91 7.33 -2.33 -2.12 1.03 -3.66 6.03 0.24 -0.77 1.02 0.55 1.03 -5.12 -0.63 -4.80 -4.38 3.39
2019 - Monthly Performance (%)
Jan Feb Mar Q1 Apr May Jun Q2 1H Jul Aug Sep Q3 Oct Nov Dec Q4 2H 2019
Price 11.53 2.07 1.77 15.86 2.43 -2.69 4.19 3.86 20.33 1.78 -1.38 1.96 2.34 0.01 1.05 2.90 3.99 6.42 28.05
NAV 6.68 1.83 1.94 10.74 1.54 -2.04 3.20 2.66 13.69 0.80 -0.58 1.01 1.23 0.37 0.44 2.77 3.60 4.88 19.23
Difference -4.85 -0.24 0.17 -5.11 -0.88 0.65 -0.99 -1.20 -6.64 -0.98 0.80 -0.95 -1.11 0.36 -0.61 -0.13 -0.38 -1.54 -8.82
2018 - Monthly Performance (%)
Jan Feb Mar Q1 Apr May Jun Q2 1H Jul Aug Sep Q3 Oct Nov Dec Q4 2H 2018
Price 1.13 -2.81 -0.73 -2.43 1.98 1.74 -0.66 3.07 0.56 1.90 1.54 -1.24 2.19 -7.33 0.72 -6.53 -12.76 -10.85 -10.35
NAV 2.27 -3.20 -0.88 -1.88 1.09 1.38 -0.04 2.45 0.52 1.95 1.22 -0.43 2.74 -4.17 0.08 -4.17 -8.10 -5.57 -5.08
Difference 1.14 -0.39 -0.15 0.54 -0.88 -0.35 0.62 -0.62 -0.05 0.05 -0.32 0.81 0.55 3.16 -0.64 2.36 4.67 5.28 5.26
2017 - Monthly Performance (%)
Jan Feb Mar Q1 Apr May Jun Q2 1H Jul Aug Sep Q3 Oct Nov Dec Q4 2H 2017
Price 3.20 2.74 -0.12 5.91 2.79 0.09 0.94 3.84 9.97 1.94 -1.40 1.97 2.49 -0.71 -0.50 2.32 1.10 3.61 13.94
NAV 1.55 1.95 0.26 3.79 1.07 0.64 0.68 2.41 6.29 1.43 -0.21 1.10 2.32 0.39 0.48 1.67 2.54 4.93 11.53
Difference -1.65 -0.79 0.37 -2.11 -1.71 0.55 -0.25 -1.43 -3.68 -0.51 1.19 -0.87 -0.16 1.09 0.97 -0.66 1.45 1.31 -2.41
2016 - Monthly Performance (%)
Jan Feb Mar Q1 Apr May Jun Q2 1H Jul Aug Sep Q3 Oct Nov Dec Q4 2H 2016
Price -4.92 0.29 6.86 1.90 3.56 1.14 2.65 7.52 9.55 4.00 1.22 -0.56 4.68 -3.13 0.12 2.42 -0.67 3.99 13.92
NAV -3.97 -0.86 4.98 -0.06 2.73 1.33 1.27 5.41 5.35 2.81 0.64 0.37 3.85 -1.11 -0.56 1.67 -0.02 3.82 9.38
Difference 0.95 -1.15 -1.88 -1.96 -0.82 0.19 -1.39 -2.10 -4.21 -1.20 -0.58 0.93 -0.84 2.02 -0.68 -0.76 0.64 -0.16 -4.54
2015 - Monthly Performance (%)
Jan Feb Mar Q1 Apr May Jun Q2 1H Jul Aug Sep Q3 Oct Nov Dec Q4 2H 2015
Price 1.44 2.83 -0.43 3.86 1.53 -0.75 -4.57 -3.84 -0.13 -1.25 -3.50 -4.33 -8.83 6.51 -1.53 -1.81 2.99 -6.10 -6.22
NAV 0.52 2.32 -0.16 2.69 1.26 0.22 -2.34 -0.89 1.77 -0.16 -3.49 -3.31 -6.83 4.37 -1.43 -2.33 0.49 -6.37 -4.71
Difference -0.92 -0.52 0.28 -1.17 -0.27 0.97 2.23 2.94 1.90 1.09 0.01 1.02 2.00 -2.14 0.10 -0.52 -2.50 -0.27 1.51
2014 - Monthly Performance (%)
Jan Feb Mar Q1 Apr May Jun Q2 1H Jul Aug Sep Q3 Oct Nov Dec Q4 2H 2014
Price 1.18 3.23 0.29 4.75 1.54 2.10 1.89 5.62 10.64 -2.13 2.81 -2.86 -2.26 1.19 0.87 -1.81 0.22 -2.04 8.38
NAV 0.98 2.68 0.78 4.50 1.28 1.88 1.79 5.04 9.76 -0.87 2.30 -1.87 -0.49 0.93 0.57 -1.12 0.37 -0.12 9.63
Difference -0.19 -0.55 0.49 -0.25 -0.26 -0.21 -0.09 -0.59 -0.88 1.26 -0.52 0.99 1.77 -0.26 -0.30 0.69 0.15 1.92 1.25
2013 - Monthly Performance (%)
Jan Feb Mar Q1 Apr May Jun Q2 1H Jul Aug Sep Q3 Oct Nov Dec Q4 2H 2013
Price 5.93 0.83 1.65 8.57 1.42 -2.58 -2.12 -3.29 5.00 0.48 -3.07 2.33 -0.33 2.99 -0.32 1.27 3.96 3.61 8.80
NAV 3.52 0.55 1.72 5.87 2.11 -0.29 -2.81 -1.04 4.77 2.14 -1.99 2.72 2.83 2.57 0.50 0.64 3.75 6.68 11.77
Difference -2.40 -0.29 0.06 -2.70 0.69 2.29 -0.69 2.25 -0.23 1.66 1.08 0.38 3.16 -0.42 0.83 -0.62 -0.21 3.07 2.97
2012 - Monthly Performance (%)
Jan Feb Mar Q1 Apr May Jun Q2 1H Jul Aug Sep Q3 Oct Nov Dec Q4 2H 2012
Price 6.89 3.27 0.07 10.46 0.88 -3.66 3.57 0.66 11.19 2.60 2.21 2.46 7.44 -0.52 -0.37 0.49 -0.40 7.01 18.98
NAV 4.39 2.58 0.74 7.88 0.83 -3.41 2.34 -0.33 7.52 2.35 1.49 2.16 6.11 0.55 0.62 1.23 2.42 8.67 16.85
Difference -2.50 -0.69 0.67 -2.58 -0.04 0.25 -1.24 -0.99 -3.67 -0.25 -0.72 -0.30 -1.33 1.07 0.99 0.74 2.81 1.66 -2.13

Performance Chart



Weighted Average Data
1Yr Disc
3Yr Disc
5Yr Disc
Rel Disc Range (3yr)
Mkt Yield
Lev Adj NAV Yield
After Tax Yield*
Est Tax Friction*
3Yr NAV Volatiliy
1 Yr RoC
3 Yr Dest RoC
Non Lev Exp Ratio
Beta (2yr)
Equity Exposure
Bond Exposure
# Holdings
Cash Weighted Duration
Comp Discount
Net Assets (M)
Liquidity - 90d (K)
* Based on marginal tax rates of 25% and long-term capital gains rates of 15%.

Asset Allocation

Asset Allocation as reported by each fund's sponsor as of the last reporting period.


100 Funds

Ticker Name Sponsor Allocation Discount Market Yield RoC(1yr) Leverage Net Assets Liquidity (90d)
JPC Nuv Pref & Incm Opp Fd Nuveen 0.97 -5.25 10.53 0.00 38.06 2,556 7,041
FPF FT Imd Dur Pref & Incm Fd First Trust 0.95 -4.74 9.02 21.45 33.55 1,169 2,749
PTA Tx-Adv Pref Sec Pref Sec & Incm Fd Cohen&Steers 0.94 -3.88 8.11 21.50 34.93 1,140 2,115
FFC F&C Pref Sec Incm Fd Flaherty & Crumrine 0.94 -10.92 7.29 0.00 38.40 799 1,673
PDT JH Prm Div Fd John Hancock 0.96 -6.36 8.30 25.69 38.03 627 1,304
LDP C&S Ltd Dur Pref & Incm Fd Cohen&Steers 0.94 -7.75 7.96 10.26 33.70 623 1,420
NPFD Nuv Var Rt Pref & Incm Fd Nuveen 0.97 -6.76 10.71 1.93 36.60 486 1,402
ARCC Ares Capital Corp Ares 0.94 6.35 9.24 0.00 48.21 11,870 67,672
OBDC Blue Owl Cap Corp Blue Owl 0.97 -0.65 9.63 0.00 51.66 6,029 29,926
BXSL Blackstone Secur Lending Fd Blackstone 0.93 16.13 10.16 0.00 49.27 5,023 27,101
FSK FS KKR Capital Corp FS/KKR 1.00 -17.19 12.71 0.00 52.59 6,811 25,049
MAIN Main Street Cap Corp Main Street Capital 0.95 69.80 5.81 0.00 43.04 2,554 18,560
GBDC Golub Capital BDC Golub Capital 0.93 1.85 10.13 0.00 55.38 2,593 19,035
HTGC Hercules Capital Hercules 0.98 81.69 7.57 0.00 47.40 1,886 19,015
RQI C&S Qlty Incm Rty Fd Cohen&Steers 0.99 -5.28 7.88 23.51 29.40 1,730 4,470
IGR CBRE Clr Glbl Rel-Est Incm Fd CBRE Invst Mgmt 1.04 0.72 12.93 45.97 30.90 774 3,305
RNP C&S REIT & Pref Incm Fd Cohen&Steers 0.99 2.39 7.60 0.00 31.10 1,001 2,074
JRI Nuv Rel-Ast Incm & Gwth Fd Nuveen 0.98 -6.77 12.78 44.40 29.63 369 1,648
AWP abrdn Glbl Prmr Prop Fd abrdn 1.00 3.31 11.82 71.32 16.23 336 1,444
RLTY C&S Rel-Est Opp & Incm Fd Cohen&Steers 1.03 -3.49 8.53 57.91 34.60 268 973
RFI C&S Tot Rtn Rty Fd Cohen&Steers 0.98 2.90 7.97 18.36 0.00 311 820
CHI Calamos Convt Opp & Incm Calamos 0.95 17.71 9.80 72.47 37.39 745 1,905
NCV Virtus Convt & Incm Fd Virtus 0.96 -10.05 12.33 91.55 37.43 333 2,211
CHY Calamos Convt & Hi Incm Fd Calamos 0.96 7.27 10.70 74.54 37.53 803 1,819
CCD Calamos Dyn Convt & Incm Fd Calamos 0.96 20.08 10.30 55.99 37.06 507 1,448
AVK Advent Convt & Incm Fd Guggenheim Funds 0.99 1.97 11.30 71.79 42.42 422 1,398
NCZ Virtus Convt & Incm Fd II Virtus 0.94 -11.31 12.41 92.08 38.36 249 1,533
ACV Virtus Divr Incm & Convt Fd Virtus 0.90 -4.81 10.71 96.53 31.85 220 667
EXG EV Tx-Mgd Glbl Divr Eq Incm Eaton Vance 0.93 -9.27 9.48 74.07 0.00 2,809 3,967
BST BR Sci & Tech Tr BlackRock 0.87 -4.39 8.60 21.14 0.00 1,267 3,547
BDJ BR Enh Eq Div Tr BlackRock 0.95 -10.62 8.17 17.46 0.00 1,718 3,665
ETY EV Tx-Mgd Divr Eq Incm Fd Eaton Vance 0.91 -4.53 8.82 0.00 0.00 2,225 3,079
ETV EV Tx-Mgd By-Wrt Opp Fd Eaton Vance 0.92 -3.76 8.95 76.19 0.00 1,616 2,603
QQQX Nuv Nasdaq 100 Dyn Owrt Fd Nuveen 0.92 -9.55 6.98 53.42 0.00 1,299 2,358
NFJ Virtus Div Int & Prm Stgy Fd Virtus 0.97 -11.98 8.92 0.00 0.00 1,353 2,655
JFR Nuv Flt Rt Incm Fd Nuveen 0.97 -4.54 11.54 2.07 38.03 1,241 4,576
FSCO FS Cr Opp Corp FS/KKR 0.92 -13.17 11.61 0.00 33.51 1,416 3,968
XFLT XAI Octgn Flt Rt & Alt Incm Tr XA Investments 0.96 3.97 14.43 5.79 38.58 430 3,112
VVR Invsc Sr Incm Tr Invesco 0.93 5.99 12.14 21.12 32.12 614 3,034
JQC Nuv Cr Stgs Incm Fd Nuveen 0.96 -5.25 11.59 6.89 38.20 800 3,068
BGB Blackstone Stgc Cr 2027 Trm Fd Blackstone 0.94 -7.14 10.24 0.00 36.94 569 2,139
FRA BR Flt Rt Incm Stgc Fd BlackRock 0.99 3.91 10.98 12.19 24.00 459 2,149
KYN KA Nrg Infra Fd Kayne Anderson 0.97 -12.42 8.43 8.51 22.27 2,016 4,843
NML NB Nrg Infra & Incm Fd Neuberger Berman 0.94 -8.59 8.78 61.12 17.45 495 1,807
TYG Tortoise Nrg Infra Corp Tortoise 0.94 -13.87 8.14 54.05 19.70 436 1,436
CEM CB MLP & Midstream Fd Franklin Templeton 0.87 -14.70 7.02 0.00 26.78 385 1,664
EMO CB Nrg Midstream Opp Fd Franklin Templeton 0.92 -13.02 6.68 0.00 29.34 295 1,208
SRV NXG Cushing Midstream Nrg Fd Cushing 0.95 -0.10 12.89 95.33 29.23 126 918
CTR CB MLP & Midstream Tot Rtn Fd Franklin Templeton 0.92 -13.64 7.04 0.00 27.82 159 785
HYT BR Corp Hi Yld Fd BlackRock 0.95 1.03 9.56 21.14 25.56 1,402 3,633
ACP abrdn Incm Cr Stgs Fd abrdn 0.90 -2.11 18.52 40.70 29.22 762 2,601
DLY DbLin Yld Opp Fd Doubleline 0.95 -1.56 8.86 1.33 18.40 770 1,910
FTHY FT Hi Yld Opp 2027 Trm Fd First Trust 0.98 -3.85 10.58 25.59 17.34 564 1,635
GHY PGIM Glbl Hi Yld Fd Prudential 0.98 -5.09 10.24 42.20 21.45 530 1,692
DSU BR Dbt Stgs Fd BlackRock 0.95 2.15 10.82 11.67 21.00 506 1,572
HIO WA Hi Incm Opp Fd Franklin Templeton 0.97 -6.54 11.04 15.95 0.00 393 1,725
PTY PIMCO Corp & Incm Opp Fd PIMCO 1.66 26.92 10.01 16.89 18.71 1,824 7,239
PCN PIMCO Corp & Incm Stgy Fd PIMCO 1.72 18.78 9.93 15.15 13.96 661 2,752
RCS PIMCO Stgc Incm Fd PIMCO 1.78 50.11 9.24 3.65 35.64 204 710
MIN MFS Imd Incm Tr MFS 1.67 -4.95 8.95 57.83 0.00 323 493
DXYZ Destiny Tech 100 Destiny Advisors 0.76 152.48 0.00 N/A N/A 53 8,233
CLM Cornerstone Stgc Val Fd Cornerstone 0.95 9.19 16.88 62.14 0.00 1,703 10,480
CRF Cornerstone Tot Rtn Fd Cornerstone 0.93 14.69 16.10 58.11 0.00 762 5,071
BIGZ BR Innovation & Gwth Trm Tr BlackRock 0.94 -12.36 14.68 100.00 0.00 1,851 5,441
USA Liberty All-Star Eq Fd ALPS 0.92 -2.77 10.81 0.00 0.00 1,936 4,783
ADX Adams Divr Eq Fd Adams Funds 0.93 -8.46 8.30 0.00 0.00 2,874 3,570
GDV Gabelli Div & Incm Tr Gabelli 0.97 -14.46 5.69 23.79 12.00 2,440 3,395
IFN India Fund abrdn 0.97 -10.56 10.03 0.00 0.00 761 3,837
BSTZ BR Sci & Tech Trm Tr BlackRock 0.88 -12.17 13.73 93.48 0.00 1,613 4,286
AOD abrdn Tot Dyn Div Fd abrdn 0.94 -13.04 8.21 27.02 2.64 1,018 2,670
IGD Voya Glbl Eq Div & Prm Opp Voya 1.01 -8.71 11.01 67.47 0.00 471 1,459
BGY BR Enh Intl DivTr BlackRock 0.93 -12.18 7.40 57.13 0.00 626 999
IIF MS India Inv Fd Morgan Stanley 0.95 -17.87 6.09 0.00 0.00 320 1,132
TWN Taiwan Fund Nomura 0.90 -20.04 1.04 0.00 0.00 364 883
NEA Nuv AMT-Fr Qlty Muni Incm Fd Nuveen 0.95 -9.21 7.66 12.48 39.63 3,764 9,996
NAD Nuv Qlty Muni Incm Fd Nuveen 0.95 -9.97 7.72 2.23 40.17 3,044 8,374
NVG Nuv AMT-Fr Muni Cr Incm Fd Nuveen 0.94 -10.64 7.68 10.83 40.15 2,949 6,970
NZF Nuv Muni Cr Incm Fd Nuveen 0.95 -10.65 7.74 0.94 39.04 2,673 6,850
NAC Nuv CA Qlty Muni Inc Fd Nuveen 0.95 -9.43 7.66 14.83 40.09 1,841 4,916
NUV Nuv Muni Val Fd Nuveen 0.96 -6.32 3.98 0.00 1.50 1,936 3,406
BBN BR Taxable Muni BndTr BlackRock 0.95 -6.03 6.75 20.38 33.31 1,086 3,647
BCAT BR Cap Alloc Trm Tr BlackRock 0.92 -6.74 21.43 75.72 0.00 1,848 6,539
CSQ Calamos Stgc Tot Rtn Fd Calamos 0.94 -0.12 7.36 50.00 30.08 2,683 2,994
AIO Virtus AI & Tech Opp Fd Virtus 0.91 -1.42 8.62 40.72 14.67 727 2,465
TBLD Thornburg Incm Bldr Opp Tr Thornburg Inv Mgmt 0.95 -12.85 7.74 15.68 0.00 594 1,353
GUG Gghm Active Alloc Fd Guggenheim Funds 0.98 -6.98 9.22 37.52 24.67 548 1,164
RIV RiverNorth Opp Fd RiverNorth 0.94 -2.31 12.63 84.97 32.00 269 1,085
NMAI Nuv Multi-Asset Incm Fd Nuveen 1.01 -6.95 13.13 67.75 28.47 457 1,395
PDI PIMCO Dyn Incm Fd PIMCO 0.96 12.53 13.96 26.99 38.76 5,306 24,171
GOF Gghm Stgc Opp Fd Guggenheim Funds 0.96 28.17 14.34 55.81 17.53 1,729 9,658
DSL DbLin Incm Solutions Fd Doubleline 0.95 1.04 10.48 6.86 22.36 1,316 5,009
WDI WA Divr Incm Fd Franklin Templeton 0.98 -4.20 12.03 0.00 31.54 801 3,685
RA Brkf Real Ast Incm Fd Brookfield 0.96 -12.18 10.97 44.44 20.17 813 3,145
BTZ BR Cr Alloc Incm Tr BlackRock 0.94 -6.51 9.48 33.18 36.00 1,060 2,469
AWF AB Glbl Hi Incm Fd AllianceBernstein 0.95 -6.08 7.48 0.00 16.76 965 1,914
FAX abrdn Asia-Pacific Incm Fd abrdn 1.36 -5.80 11.96 41.02 30.59 726 2,462
EMD WA Emrg Mkt Dbt Fd Franklin Templeton 1.37 -8.23 10.57 37.63 27.51 611 1,608
SABA Saba Cap Incm & Opp Fd II Saba Capital 1.38 -9.35 8.55 100.00 30.65 2,223 1,014
EDD MS Emrg Mkt Dom Dbt Morgan Stanley 1.40 -11.17 11.51 19.44 12.19 341 1,179
TEI Tmp Emrg Mkt Incm Fd Franklin Templeton 1.36 -6.14 10.36 19.92 14.95 277 521


These indexes were created and developed by Closed-End Fund Advisors, Inc. CEF Advisors launched these indexes in January 2017 based on December 31, 2016 data and began pricing on January 1, 2019. CEF Advisors does not guarantee the accuracy or the completeness of the index or any data included therein and CEF Advisors shall have no liability for any errors, omissions or interruptions therein. CEF Advisors makes no warranty, express or implied, as to results to be obtained by any person or entity from the use of the index or any data included therein. CEF Advisors makes no express or implied warranties, and expressly disclaims all warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose or use with respect to the index or any data included therein. Without limiting any of the foregoing, in no event shall CEF Advisors have any liability for any special, punitive, direct, indirect or consequential damages (including lost profits) arising out of matters relating to the use of the index, even if notified of the possibility of such damages.

The historical values above have not been verified by an independent third party. The historical performance data is for illustrative purposes only and does not represent the actual performance of any investment product. No representation is being made that any investment will achieve performance similar to that shown. The index does not charge management fees or brokerage expenses, and no such fees or expenses were deducted from the historical performance shown. The index is unmanaged and an investor cannot invest directly in the index.

Performance information for the index is for illustrative purposes only and does not represent the performance of any actual investment. The historical performance of the price and NAV of the index should not be taken as an indication of future performance, and no assurance can be given as to the index's value on any date. The data for the historical performance of the index was calculated on materially the same basis on which the performance of the index is now calculated. Discounts are the result of a closed-end fund’s market price deviating from its Net Asset Value (NAV).

In case any constituents of the index experience a liquidation, merger, open-ending or are no longer a closed-end fund, we will remove them as of their last day of existence. For mergers, if the merged fund is in the same sub-grouping inside CEFdata.com, then we will replace the merged fund with it's replacement in equal dollar terms. If a fund is liquidated, open-ended, etc, we will remove the fund and its allocation from the index. In this case, for example. If a fund was 2% of the index then future pricing would assume a full allocation was 98%. The 2% is adsorbed on a pro-rata basis by all surviving funds.

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Class E Units       8% PIK             8.00 %   11/6/2021     4,055,099       4,055,099       4,055,099       2.32 %